Mt Rainier NP Webcams
[Click on a marker on the map or from the list for information about the Webcams.]
[Enlarge the Paradise & Sunrise areas (Red Box) for a detailed view of the Webcams.]

Guide to Map
MPG V2.8, January 2013

NP Web Cameras

Carbon   Camp Muir   [Jackson   North   East   South   West   Southwest]   Longmire   [Sunrise East   Southwest]
(Enable popup windows to view latest images from Webcam sites.)


Advisories about Google map display and and about the Carbon River Road.

News.-- The Webcams at Sunrise are up for the season. The Webcam at Camp Muir will occasionally be down or display bad images due to weather condition. The NPS has replaced some of the Webcams with new High Definition cameras and has added a new one in the Carbon River area in the northwest part of the NP.

Note.-- Some of the images in the popup windows are larger than the actual window, and you can enlarge them inside the window. This is done to fit the window in displays of laptops computers.

Sometimes the images from the Webcams don't appear on the Web page here and the NPS Web page. This is due to access problems with the weather, technical problems or periods of downtime to acquire parts or equipment.
Occasionally the Webcam images aren't current so you have to read the bottom of the image for the date-time stamp, and read the notice with the Webcams on the NPS Web page.

Map Guide

The Webcams are catagorized as:

   Northern Webcam(s) located at Camp Muir, at Sunrise Visitors Center and at the Carbon River entrance;

   Paradise Webcam(s) located in Jackson Visitors Center at Paradise;

   Air Quality Webcam(s) located in administration building at Paradise;

   Longmire Webcam(s) located in administration building at Longmire.

Map Information

Note about .-- The "information window" for each Webcam has the following information:

    (6) name,
    (2) description of location,
    (3) latitude, longitude and elevation,
    (4) camera view, direction and description,
    (5) additional notes, and
    (6) link to NP Webcam Web page.

This should provide sufficient information to locate the Webcams and with the other Websites, linked in the list, and books should provide enough informaton to determine if you want to find it.


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WSR V2.8, January 2013